Monday, June 25, 2012

Rainy Day Songs - Boots Of Spanish Leather

Music has played a huge part in the lives of us both and every once in a while, we want to share a song or video that's shaped us, inspired us, or just made us giggle stupidly. I grew up listening to my mom's old 45s and singing along with the Muppets and Lindsay's dad has owned a fiercely independent record store for almost 40 years. We have a very eclectic taste in music - folk, rock, Irish, pop, quirky, sad... pretty much anything that isn't just screaming over drums.

This Rainy Day Song is Boots Of Spanish Leather.

Originally written and performed by the incomparable Bob Dylan, the version that's really caught my fancy lately is by The Airborne Toxic Event and can be found on the album "The Songs Of Bob Dylan, which is a four disc compilation of Dylan covers for a charity. I've always liked the song, but never really listened to the lyrics. (My wife will tell you - I listen to the song and can get emotional about it but when I sing along, the words are always all wrong.)

It's a beautiful song about love and how it falls apart of time and distance and sounds like an old sea shanty. I'd never heard of The Airborne Toxic Event, but I love this version... I'll have to seek out more. There's also a nice cover by the Irish Band Dervish that really has the sea shanty feel, but the ATE version is clearer and easier to hear the beauty of Dylan's lyrics. Enjoy!

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